People come, people go – Yet everyone is moving in the same direction. We all are sharing something that we are unaware of, creating one big picture we are unable to see.
The film explores the idea of how everyone is connected in a way we may not realise. By sharing time, space and movement, we overlap and create a bigger picture.
Director – Michelle Brand is a London based German-English, Animator- Filmmaker and Sound Designer, who enjoys cross-combining all kinds of things and media. She studied animation at the University for Creative Arts in Farnham, UK, and completed her Animation MA at the Royal College of Arts in 2019.
Throughout her work, she plays with many different visual structures, aesthetics, and approaches to sound design, enjoying the discovery of new ways to express complex ideas. Her films attempt to visualise philosophical concepts, with a special focus on time, movement and change. Above all, she simply enjoys converting thoughts into movement, colour and sound.