Adrian Silisteanu was born in Bacau, Romania, in March 5th, 1975 and he graduated Cinematography in Bucharest. Studying also the Digital Cinematography at National Audiovisual Institute in Paris, he worked for a short period as Digital Imaging Technician. Romanian Director Adrian Sitaru’s film debut “Hooked” was also Silisteanu’s first film as Director of Photography. He shot the next three feature films of Sitaru “Best Intentions” “Domestic” and “Illegitimate” and the short films “Waves”, “The Cage”, “Lord”, “House Party”,
“Excursion” and “Art”. In 2012 Adrian Silisteanu directs his first short film, “The Ditch”. He worked with the well known Romanian theater director Silviu Purcarete for his first motion picture “Somewhere in Palilula” and he was cinematographer for the two seasons of Romanian version of HBO TV show “In treatment”. He also filmed other many movies including the feature films “Ho-ho-ho” (Jesus del Cerro), “2+2” (Thomas Ciulei), “The worthy” (Ali Mostafa), “Live” (Vlad Păunescu) or the shorts “Superman, Spiderman or Batman” (Tudor Giurgiu) and “Stopover” (Ioana Uricariu).